
Application Management

Our team has the expertise of providing services in implementing, customizing and controlling access to internally developed and commercially available mobile apps used in business settings on both company-provided and “bring your own” smartphones and tablet computers.

We focus on application management, to provide a lower degree of control over the device, but a higher level of control over applications. We provide solutions to manage the down to device firmware and configuration settings and can include management of all applications and application data.

Enterprise Mobility Solutions

Multi-platform App. Development

Our solutions address the difficulties of developing mobile software by managing the diversity of devices, networks and user groups at the time of deployment and throughout the mobile solution’s lifecycle. Unlike standalone apps, our solution provides a comprehensive, long-term approach to deploy mobility. Our solutions on Cross-platform without limiting it to any make or network.

Enterprise Application Integration

Our Enterprise applications integration team integrates existing applications to mobile devices which give a new dimension in increasing the productivity of workforce. Our team can easily develop, deploy, manage, customize and support your mobile apps.

Mobile Security and Management

A Mobility management strategy is with the Security of mobile devices, applications and content as the prime concern. Whether employees are using a corporate-owned or employee-owned device, they access corporate data, email and more from their mobile devices, and these actions call for the company to implement a mobile strategy with strong security policies.

Security is the prime focus of our Enterprise Mobility Management Team. Our team ensures your enterprise mobility deployment is secure and corporate information is protected with end-to-end security not limiting to users, devices, applications, content, data, email and networks. We provide real-time device details and continuous compliance monitoring to ensure the devices and corporate data are secure round the clock.